Class Learning Activities at ASEAN Education Center (AEC) by Interns from Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University.

March 27th and 28th, 2023.
Class Learning Activities at ASEAN Education Center (AEC) by Interns from Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University.
“Educating children on possible dangers online” activity🥳✨
The objective was
1. Raising awareness of cybercrime.
2. Cyberbullying prevention.
📅Monday March 27th, 2023
✨My Private Parts; 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻
To awareness of a differentiated safe and harmful touch. learning how to take good care of personal hygiene and protecting one’s body from sexual harassment.
Science Experiments by Exchanging Water ✨🥳💦🥛
Help children to understand how STDs spread and how to protect themselves.
Raising awareness of cybercrime Cyberbullying prevention. 📲❌🙋🏼
They learned skills to protect themselves from Online Cyber Threat. NO# GO# YELL# TELL 🙅👏🏻🤲🏻🙌🏻
Tuesday March 28th, 2023
✨🥳Online Security Awareness Activity
They learned a types of cyber-attacks. Help them aware of potential danger online security and to protect them from online harassment.
Which divided into two issues; Mindset and Education knowledge such as
🙌🏻1. Mindset; divided class into 3 groups. Educating children on possible dangers online, skills to protect from online cyber threat; NO GO TELL TELL/TELL.
📄😅• Cyber Bullying and Digital Footprint
📰🚨• Fake News and Link Click
🎰🎯• Online gaming risks and how to avoid them
🥳🛡️2. Online education knowledge; using TikTok as a form to teaching children to deal with online cyber threat.
🤗✨In conclusion, children in The Beginner, Intermediate and Advance Class all understand about the potential danger online security and to can apply knowledge to protect themselves from online harassment.